Tag: tips

Your Mood and Your Digestion

Your Mood and Your Digestion

Have you ever noticed feeling constant reflux at home, but then when you go on a vacation, the heartburn disappears? Or have you experienced stomach pain during times of emotional stress or worry, regardless of what you eat?   This is because the brain and 

4 Proven Methods to Manage Stress

4 Proven Methods to Manage Stress

As unique as we are, there are certain things that make us all human: We all need air, food, and water, we all need rest and love, and we are all afflicted by stress in one way or another. Whether we experience daily, low-grade stretches, 

Easy Healthy Acid Reflux Friendly Dinner Ideas

Easy Healthy Acid Reflux Friendly Dinner Ideas

These easy healthy acid reflux-friendly dinner ideas will help you plan ahead for weeknight meals that are both nutritious and don’t trigger GERD symptoms.   Changing your diet is one of the most important parts of treating GERD. And feeling lost after being diagnosed while 

5 Easy Healthy Acid Reflux-Friendly Weeknight Dinner Ideas

5 Easy Healthy Acid Reflux-Friendly Weeknight Dinner Ideas

These 5 easy healthy acid reflux-friendly dinner ideas will help you plan ahead for weeknight meals that are both nutritious and don’t trigger GERD symptoms.   These 5 easy healthy acid reflux-friendly weeknight dinners can really help set you up for success on your journey 

5 Foods That Can Trigger Acid Reflux

5 Foods That Can Trigger Acid Reflux

Oh boy, this is a big one. If you have serious reflux issues then there’s a good chance you’ve spent a lot of time analyzing your diet and habits to see what’s helping and what’s hurting. We get to hear from a lot of people on 

Why do I have acid reflux?

Why do I have acid reflux?

Why do I have reflux?   That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it? If you’re like me then you’ve probably laid awake at night burping up acid and asking yourself “Why me? What did I do wrong?”.   First off, know that you’re not alone. 

7 Tips for Eating During the Holidays With GERD

7 Tips for Eating During the Holidays With GERD

For those with digestive issues, the happiest time of year can bring on a great deal of food-related stress. There are, however, steps we can take to prepare ourselves so that we can be less anxious about food and more focused on enjoying the moment. 

Top Tips for People with GERD

Top Tips for People with GERD

  GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease is a digestive disorder where the ring of muscle between the esophagus and stomach doesn’t close properly, allowing for acid and stomach contents to escape into the esophagus. There is also LPR, or LaryngoPharyngeal Reflux, where the stomach acid actually reaches the